Annual meeting of the Danish Optical Society 2014


Risø (Denmark)
13th to 14th of November 2014

On the 13th and 14th of November 2014 was the annual meeting of the Danish Optical Society at DTU Fotonik Risø. It were two days filled with presentations and poster presented by researcher and PhD students all over Denmark.

Sophie Caujolle and Felix Fleischhauer went as well to have a first impression of a technical conference and presented both a poster covering the research during their master studies undertaken.

Sophie Caujolle presented about her work at the Medical University of Vienna, working on a “Thermal Light Source for Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography”, while Felix Fleischhauer presented about his work at the institute of Biomedical Optics from the university of Lübeck with the title: “Optical coherence microscopy with extended Depth-of-Focus”.
Both participants also had a short introduction to their research in the UBAPHODESA project and used the two days to network with other fellow researcher from Denmark to discuss their research projects and get some helpful input.